las diferencias de tradiciones de Estados Unidos y Ecuador

 las diferencias de tradiciones de Estados Unidos y  Ecuador

In Ecuador Every October 31 is commemorated the day of the National Shield, a symbol that guards the spiritual greatness of the country, while in the United States Halloween is also known as Halloween Samhain ("End of summer" in old Irish)


This holiday marked the time when the days were getting shorter and the nights longer. The Celts, like many pre-Hispanic cultures, believed that in Samhain the spirits of the dead returned to visit the mortal world.

This holiday marked the time when the days were getting shorter and the nights longer. The Celts, like many pre-Hispanic cultures, believed that in Samhain the spirits of the dead returned to visit the mortal world.

the day of the shield

On October 31 of each year Ecuador celebrates the National Shield Day, one of its three national symbols. The date was officially established by the 1900 Congress, and its implementation was achieved under the presidency of Eloy Alfaro.
The Riobamba Constituent Congress decreed the Coat of Arms in 1830. The design was in force until 1835, when it was replaced, in a decree on paper sealed by the Ambato Convention
Gabriel García Moreno restored yellow, blue and red as the colors of the National Flag and these immediately became part of the Shield.

Before reaching the original design there were 13 changes. The tricolor should be used instead of the bicolor flags, which it had at that time.

The last design was made by Pedro Pablo Travesari and officially approved by the Ministry of Education in 1916, to be used in the educational sector.

integrantes : ingrid acurio, maria paula aleagra, dagmar arevalo ,
domenica calvopiña, diana casa, antonella de la cruz  ,             kelly guerrero , scarthe parades 


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